Company Confidential

  • 8+ years of software development experience, using agile methodologies
  • Excellent development skills with Java or another JVM language
  • Experience using relational and non-relational databases
  • Experience designing, implementing, and testing RESTful APIs
  • Familiarity with modern frameworks for building high-throughout, resilient microservices
  • Understanding of full SDLC and methodologies such as TDD, BDD, and experience with tools and frameworks for automating the delivery pipeline.
  • Familiarity with distributed design patterns, message-driven architectures, high-volume data stores, and horizontal scaling techniques
  • Ability to tackle problems both at the large scale (think hundred-node clusters) and the small scale (think individual atomic locks)


  • Background working on highly-available, high-transaction volume, fault-tolerant systems
  • Skill with additional programming languages such as C#, C++, Scala, Go, Clojure, etc.
  • Current experience with Spring Framework, Spring Cloud, Apache Camel, vert.x, node.js
  • Participation in public open source projects
  • Prior experience using, or knowledge of, Hadoop and associated technologies such as HBase, Phoenix, as well as with Apache Storm, Kafka, and Solr.
  • Strong foundation in developing cloud-based solutions using platforms such as Heroku, Azure, or Amazon AWS
  • Knowledge 12-factor application principles

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